Modern Infrastructure with Terraform, a HashiCorp Training Day

March 21 2016, 09:00-17:00, Sheraton hotel, Tel Aviv

This is a comprehensive, engineer ­led course that covers two of HashiCorp's tools: Terraform and Atlas.

Led by Seth Vargo, Director of Evangelism @HashiCorp. Previously, Seth worked at Chef (Opscode).

He the author of Learning Chef and is passionate about reducing inequality in technology.

The 8 hour workshop will include a breakfast, lunch and parking at the hotel, an optional networking dinner and a DevconTLV ticket.

Audience: Anyone, limited to 19 people.

Get a ticket

Topics include:

Terraform syntax, internals, and patterns

● Creating and accessing compute instances

● Provisioning resources with Terraform

● Working with remote state

● Authoring and using Terraform modules

● Managing DNS with Terraform

● Evaluating changes with Atlas

● Building ephemeral environments


Participants must have an active AWS account with permissions to create and manage resources ­there will be a small charge (less than $1 USD) for the tutorial to the account. Please make sure the account is verified. Do not use a company account or enable session tokens.

● Participants must have the latest version of Terraform installed locally.

● Participants must have administrator privileges on their laptop or the ability to escalate privilege easily.

● Participants must have a modern Internet browser such as Firefox, Chrome, or Safari.

About HashiCorp: HashiCorp was founded by Mitchell Hashimoto and Armon Dadgar in 2012 and is a leader in DevOps solutions for the modern datacenter. To understand their overall vision, driving motivations and intentions, read the Tao of HashiCorp.

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